JCSMTS - Resolution Pursuant to Rule XXV - Alteration of Rules


Whereas Rule C – Membership of the Rules of the Jamaica Civil Service Mutual Thrift Society provides that:

Membership in the Society shall, for the time being, consist of the following who may be:

  1. Permanent and pensionable employees of the Public Service of Jamaica, such as:
    1. Members of the Jamaica Civil Service Association
    2. Employees of Executive Agencies
    3. Employees of Government Companies
  2. Pensioners of the Public Service
  3. Other Societies under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, such member of The Society being deemed a person for the purposes of this rule and other rules of The Society in so far as the same may apply

Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, membership in The Society shall be the purview of the Committee of Management of The Society; and

Whereas it is desirable that the membership of the Society be expanded to include other public sector employees;

Be it resolved this 79th Annual General Meeting of the Jamaica Civil Service Mutual Thrift Society Limited, voting by at least two-thirds majority of the members present, amend Rule V – Membership, by deleting the words “permanent and pensionable” at paragraph (1) so that the Rule will read;

Membership in the Society shall, for the time being, consist of the following who may be:

  1. Employees of the Public Service of Jamaica, such as:
    1. Members of the Jamaica Civil Service Association
    2. Employees of Executive Agencies
    3. Employees of Government Companies
  2. Pensioners of the Public Service
  3. Other Societies under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, such member of The Society being deemed a person for the purposes of this rule and other rules of The Society in so far as the same may apply

Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, membership in The Society shall be the purview of the Committee of Management of The Society


Moved by: Gennetta Smikle

Seconded by: Cebert Mitchell

Date: August 28, 2019