The operations of ‘The Thrift’ are governed by a 12-member Committee of Management elected at the Annual General Meeting. There are 6 functional sub-committees – Real Estate, Finance, Human Resource, Member Relations, Information Technology and Marketing and Communications.
Management of its day-to-day operations is directed by a Secretary / Manager and supported by a management team and the staff.

Committee of Management: Gennetta Smikle, Lelieth Barrett-Hamilton, Marva Ximinnies, Errol Miller (Chairman), Marguerite Clare, Icolyn Coulbourne and Georgia Mogg and Standing l-r: Fred Manderson, Cebert Mitchell, Gary Mowatt and Beverly Clarke. Missing: Leslie Campbell

Administration: Kamuna Dunbar, Hibbert Anderson (Secretary/ Manager), Erica Dussard and Tameka Hunter. Missing: Trevene Morgage

Member Services: (l-r) JSade Solomon, Charmarie Campbell, Tashana Walters (Supervisor) and Jermaine Matheson. Missing: Ronaldo Grant

Data: Khamisa Flynn, Michelle Hillman (Data Control Supervisor), Javane Lewis, and Crystal Nanco Missing: Shana Thompson

Bearer & Property Protection Service: (l-r) Leroy Richards and Michael Thomas

Accounts: (l-r Back) Dwayne Shea, Kemario Williams, Chadwick Ricketts, Wendell Dillon. Front: Kenesha Smalling & Ewart Baker (Accountant)

Loans: (l-r) Venesha Reid, Sharon Lindo (Loans Manager), Stephanie Bernard, Kenisha Shaw and Patrice Robinson

Information Technology: (l-r) Rhon-Kaniel Bramwell and Omari Wallace

Canteen: (l-r) Christine Dillonson, Rocquel Samuels and Tameka Hunter (Admin. Asst.)
To provide exceptional financial services for our growing membership through improved customer service in a technology driven environment.
A vision of growth in thrift among our Members.
Our Offering To Members
“The Society is committed to satisfying the savings and responsible borrowing needs of its members. We offer a diverse range of products and services to satisfy their changing need”