News Releases & Notices
Keep current with the Jamaica Civil Service Mutual Thrift Society Limited (JCSMTS) and learn more about how we are helping our Membership achieve their financial goals, while Promoting Thrift Among Public Servants & Government Pensioners.
Founders Day 2016
Founders Day 2016 The Jamaica Civil Service Mutual Thrift Society Limited cordially invites all Members to its FOUNDERS’ DAY 2016 CELEBRATION at the Office of the Society 10 Caledonia Avenue, Kingston 5, on Friday October [...]
Annual General Meeting 2016
Notice is hereby Given that the Seventy-Sixth Annual General Meeting of the Jamaica Civil Service Mutual Thrift Society Limited will be held on Thursday, September 15th, 2016 commencing at 3:30 p.m. at the Girl Guides [...]
Delinquency Notice
Will the following persons whose last known home address and last place of employment as listed below or anyone knowing their whereabouts kindly contact us at the Jamaica Civil Service Mutual Thrift Society, 10 Caledonia [...]
Multilink Cards Now Accepted at JCSMTS
Please be advised that the Thrift is now accepting NCB Debit Card MultiLink for:- Purchase of Shares in Bulk Over the counter loan payment Payment for all services
Annual General Meeting 2015
THE JAMAICA CIVIL SERVICE MUTUAL THRIFT SOCIETY LIMITED NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that the Seventy-Fifth Annual General Meeting of the Jamaica Civil Service Mutual Thrift Society Limited will be held on [...]
JCSMTS Celebrates 75th Anniversay With New Website
KINGTON (JAMAICA): The Jamaica Civil Service Mutual Thrift Society (JCSMTS) celebrates it's 75th Anniversary of Promoting Thrift Among Public Sector and Government Pensioners with the re-launch of it's corporate website located at The website [...]
Annual Reports Online
The Jamaica Civil Service Mutual Thrift Society is pleased to announce that it's latest annual reports are now available for viewing online. To view the Annual Reports please visit our Documents & Downloads section of [...]
Membership Advisory
As part of our on going effort to improve our information flow and service delivery to you our valued stakeholders, we take this opportunity to advise you of some recently implemented changes in the procedures [...]
Upcoming: 2014 Annual General Meeting
The Jamaica Civil Service Mutual Thrift Society will be holding it's Annual General Meeting for 2014, on the 19th of August at 3:30pm the Jamaica Girl Guides Associations Headquarters on Waterloo Road in Kingston. Please [...]
To provide exceptional financial services for our growing membership through improved customer service in a technology driven environment.
A vision of growth in thrift among our Members.
Our Offering To Members
“The Society is committed to satisfying the savings and responsible borrowing needs of its members. We offer a diverse range of products and services to satisfy their changing need”